Official Training Certification
Our owner has undergone COVID-19 training to ensure the spa's best practices. Click here for the direct link.

Steps We've Taken
We want to ensure the health of both our staff and all people coming in for treatments. Listed below is a comprehensive guide as to how we've done that.

1. Physical Guards
Face shields and masks are used by all staff and provided to clients
A physical plastic partition has been installed at the front desk
6-foot markings have been denoted on the lobby floor

2. Routine Sanitization
All pens are cleaned between uses
Disinfectant and hand sanitizer is available in all rooms for clients and is used by staff to clean rooms between every treatment
Hand sanitizer is available at the front desk

3. Government-recommended Extra Steps
We take the temperature of everyone per CDC's recommendation of checking for fevers above 100.4ºF
Humidifiers are placed throughout the entire premise to prevent viruses air-spreading per the CDC
New intake forms ask mandatory COVID-19 questions by the Nevada State Board of Massage Therapy